The Shakti Yoga Wheel™

Shakti Yoga Wheel® Guide (e-book) - Enjoy Your Pregnancy With An Open Heart

$ 9.90

Pregnancy is an exciting time for a woman. It is also a time that must be approached with a lot care and love, for there are many important things to consider to ensure mom and baby remain happy and healthy. One of the ways to remain happy and healthy is to develop or maintain a yoga practice while pregnant. Yoga provides the expectant mother with an opportunity for a deep connection with her unborn child. Because every woman is different and pregnancies vary greatly, we at Shakti Yoga have joined together with a team of professionals to create a wonderful yoga guide for expectant mothers. Discover how you can use the yoga wheel as new tool to make your pregnancy more comfortable and to prepare for a more easeful labor.

“The way to prepare mentally and physically for labor is to practice yoga every day,” ~ Gila Shire (Doula, Nurse, Yoga Teacher RYT-500)

Delve into your process week by week, unlocking the beauty inside you! "The Shakti Yoga Wheel Guide - Enjoy your pregnancy with an open heart" will give you structured guidance how to use the yoga wheel during and after pregnancy. As always consult your physician before starting any exercise program.

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