Get to Know The Shakti Yoga Wheel®️
In order to help you streamline your Shakti Yoga Wheel® website experience, we created this easy-to-use website guide: just click on an embedded hyperlink to travel straight to where you need to go.
Our Products
>>> We’re always coming out with new Color Schemes for our Yoga Wheels and we would love to know what color combo you want to see next! Send us a Message and let us know!
>>> So you have an easier time carrying your Yoga Wheel to and from class, we designed a 20” Canvas Tote Bag that doubles as your groceries or gym tote!
>>> Curious about how to use a Yoga Wheel? Check out our e-book guides:
The Shakti Yoga Wheel® - 98 Posture Guide and
Shakti Yoga Wheel® Guide - Enjoy Your Pregnancy With An Open Heart
>>> We wanted to offer the best non-slip Yoga Mat for all your yogi needs so we partnered with BIOWORKZ to create the ultimate Yoga Mat for dedicated Yogis!
>>> Need to get a Gift but unsure which color combo to get? Send them an e-gift card and let them choose their own prize!
>>> Our Yoga Wheels are available for in-person trial and purchase in USA and Germany stores: use our Store Locator to find a location near you!
>>> Just got a Yoga Wheel and wondering how to use it? Watch our free How-to Videos !
>>> For our German friends, we have a Shakti Yoga Glow Video Series of 6 videos to get you started with your Yoga Wheel.
>>> Wanting some personalized one-on-one or group Yoga Wheel lessons? Book a Certified Shakti Yoga Wheel Teacher for online or in-person classes and workshops.
Connect With Us!
>>> Sign up for our e-mail list to stay in the know about special promotions, new releases, and company news!
>>> Follow us on Instagram and tag #ShaktiYogaWheel , @shaktiyogawheelbyjess so we can feature you on our page! We also LOVE participating in Giveaways & Challenges so turn on your post notifications and never miss an Instagram exclusive promotion!
>>> Be a part of our Facebook community by simply liking & following our page.
>>> We’re on Pinterest ! Follow our page for Yoga inspiration, motivation, and education.
>>> Check out our YouTube Channel - Shakti Yoga by Jessyca Heinen for a variety of free, short, and simple Yoga Wheel tutorials!
>>> Connect with us on Google Plus to see our posts in your daily feed.
>>> Do you have Questions, Comments, or Feedback? Contact Us and let us know!
About The Shakti Yoga Wheel ®️
>>> About Us
>>> Blog
>>> FAQ
>>> Shipping
>>> Giving Back
>>> Data Protection
Become a Part of our Team
>>> Get to know our current Shakti Yoga Wheel Team
>>> Become an Ambassador ; shop with a discount, earn commission, and gain exposure by joining us for special events!
>>> Check out our Shakti Yoga Wheel Partners and then apply to be a partner yourself!
>>> Here is a list of our upcoming workshops, classes, and events where you can discover and play with The Shakti Yoga Wheel®️ Method.
>>> We offer a 20 hour Yoga Alliance Yoga Wheel Teacher Training , after which you automatically become a part of our team as an Ambassador and certified instructor.